Music News: Quick Six With Kobra Paige

Robin LynnArtist Interview, Music, New Music, Quick SixLeave a Comment

In honor of Kobra and the Lotus coming through the USA touring with the Texas Hippie Coalition, and also to support their new album, Prevail II which releases next Friday, 27 April, the lovely Kobra Paige sat down and answered our Quick Six. See what Kobra has to say about some things, get to know her a little better, and have some fun with her.


          What inspires you recently?
Honestly, right now it’s anyone I’m crossing paths with. That includes my family, friends, band, team, supporters of KATL, baristas in a coffee shop, a yoga teacher, you name it. I’m super intrigued with taking a deep look into how I interact with the world, how it interacts with me, and how I’m shaping what I see through how I react or judge. It’s become infinite, interesting, and amazingly inspiring. I’m currently listening to a lot of Depeche Mode, Rage Against The Machine, The Weeknd, and a Swedish singer-songwriter named Lars Winnerbäck.


Who decides on your album cover art?
I do! Usually the album art is tied in very closely with the message of the music and the message coincides with the lyrics. Ideas are always welcome in our band though. Our bass player Brad titled our newest albums ‘Prevail I+II’ and there couldn’t have been a better name. So far everyone seems to be on the same page!


          What would you be doing if you weren’t in the music industry at all?
It would be highly likely that I would be doing some form of integrative pediatric medicine. I’m also very interested in the mind/body connection and how what we emotionally hold in our bodies correlates to disease and autoimmune disorders. Research, integrative medicine, and kids sounds like a great concoction for me!


          How do you know when a song is finished? Do you ever go back and dig out unfinished or old      songs?
It can be very hard to stop. It’s something that we have to work on all th etime. Sometimes the song feels done and other times it can feel stuck in a weird transitory place. To be “done” is really a subjective thing. The trick is not mucking around past the point of no return. That is where I have especially appreciated having a producer onboard with us. I haven’t dug out very many unfinished or old songs, I usually just write new ones. Not to be said that I won’t do that some day though!


          What would be your perfect weekend?
To go hiking in the Rocky Mountains or the desert with my family (including my boyfriend) and our recently passed dog. Come home, cook dinner, and sit in the warm air on the deck and visit. Then, finish the night with singing around the piano while my dad plays songs by Queen.


          What’s next for you?
Right now we’re currently gearing up to do our first tour of 2018. We will go through the USA extensively this spring, follow it up with a short headlining run in Europe, then come back through Canada. We’re currently planning another European tour for the fall and that will be followed by studio time for the beginning of the creation of our 6th album!


Kobra and the Lotus is currently on tour with the Texas Hippie Coalition, and they’ll be stopping all over the USA. Make sure to pick up your tickets, and prepare for an awesome night. And yes, I’m biased towards KATL for this tour, and not just because Kobra is a great person, she’s also a brilliant singer, songwriter, musician, and fighter.  And just in case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the official Japanese version of KATL’s new song Let Me Love You.

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Robin LynnMusic News: Quick Six With Kobra Paige