American Gods Recap: Git Gone

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American Gods Recap: Git Gone

This episode, we learn more about Laura. Laura and Shadow meet when Shadow tries to rip off the casino she works at. Laura stops him, tipping him off about the cameras surrounding the table.

Instead of coming out of the casino with stolen money, Shadow comes out of the casino with interest in Laura. He waits for her to get out of work, then they go back to her place. It’s the start of their relationship.

“The weak spot…is usually people’s attention.”

Throughout the relationship, you see that Shadow is happy (and he goes to work for Laura’s friend Robbie), but Laura isn’t. She’s bored with her job, and she looks pretty bored with the relationship. She tells her friend Audrey she’s happy, but we see she’s huffed bug spray in the past, and she looks like she’s contemplating it now. She’s not happy, and she’s bored with more than her job. Shadow had tried to convince her to be his inside woman and rob the casino in the beginning, and though she turned him down then she wants to do it now. This is where Shadow gets thrown in prison.

He gets caught, and Laura is convinced someone screwed them over because her plan was supposedly perfect.  Who was it, I wonder?

“Physics doesn’t take Sundays off.”

While he’s in prison, Laura keeps saying she loves him and will wait for him, but instead starts messing around with Robbie. She tells Robbie it’s temporary, but he’s in love with her and wants to leave Audrey. This is where Laura gives Robbie a goodbye BJ, and they end up in the car accident.

Rather than simply rotting as she assumed she would, Laura finds herself separated from her body and facing down Anubis. The sky here is the same sky we keep seeing in any of the gods’ scenes. Anubis is about to grab Laura’s heart to weigh against the feather when Laura stops him. She knows she’s lived a life that won’t leave her heart lighter than the feather, so she stops him right there. Anubis tells her that since she didn’t believe in anything, he’s going to deliver her to the void. The entry to the void looks like the hot tub she huffed bug spray in.

“Death is not a debate.”

Here’s where the coin ends up in the grave with her. It pulls her back to her body and out of Anubis’ reach. She digs her way out of the grave and stumbles down the road, and this is where we find out that Laura was the one who slaughtered Technical Boy’s avatars and saved Shadow. Shadow shines like the sun to Laura’s vision.

During the fight, her arm gets ripped off. She carries it with her as she staggers away.

“I needed craft supplies.”

She runs to her old house. This is before Shadow gets there. She takes a shower to wash off the blood, and sneaks out of the house as he arrives. She needs to find a way to reattach her arm, so she goes to the one place she knows there are craft supplies–Audrey’s house. Of course, Audrey is less than pleased to see Laura.

Aside from the fact that she’s walking around with her arm off, Audrey is clued into the fact that Laura is the walking dead when she craps embalming fluid into Audrey’s toilet.

“Yeah, that does seem fair.”

The two of them come to grips with one another and Audrey helps sew on her arm. She agrees to drive Laura where she wants to go. Laura is following the light that she can see emanating from Shadow in the distance. She can see what he is, now that she’s dead.

They nearly run into a man and a dog on the road, and the dog turns into Mr. Jacquel (Anubis).

“You, I remember.”

They go to Ibis and Jacquel’s funeral home, and they sew on Laura’s arm a bit more securely. They also tend to her rotting body, and try to find out what brought her back. Jacquel tells her that when she’s done, he will deliver her to the void.

Laura buys a fly strip and gets to where we last saw her–waiting for Shadow in his hotel room.

Previous Episode: Head Full of Snow

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JL JamiesonAmerican Gods Recap: Git Gone