Australian Survivor 2019 Week 8: Race To The Finish

Aaron ConnTelevisionLeave a Comment

Australian Survivor 2019 S04E22

Australian Survivor 2019 S04E22With only one week until the finale, the two episodes of Australian Survivor this week were pretty wild. With only four people left in the game after this week, it’s certainly a race to the finish.

Overall Thoughts
The two episodes this week were about 50 minutes each. While shorter, I thought these were pretty good episodes. At this point, I feel like everyone left in the game has been highlighted at some point. Some contestants have been shown more than others but overall, we have an idea of who’s left.

With only four contestants left, I’m going to skip the Stand Out Contestants section of the recap- instead replacing it with a section in which I summarize and analyze the final four.

Favorite Challenge
Australian Survivor Luke S04E22Of the two challenges this week, I liked the immunity challenge in Episode 22- Domino Effect. In this challenge, contestants must line up a series of blocks on a ledge. They must use all of their blocks- forming a line of dominoes. The line of blocks must then start a chain reaction, with the last block falling in a bucket. To make things trickier, there is a rectangular grate-like platform surrounding the ledge- which the contestant must walk through carefully or else their blocks will fall. First one with a successful line of dominoes wins the challenge- which ended up being Luke. This is a challenge from the US version, which was first used in Redemption Island (Season 22).

Voted Off
Australian Survivor 2019 Janine voted offIn Episode 21, Janine Allis became the 20th person voted out of the game and the sixth member of the jury. As for why she was voted off- she was simply a threat to win. Throughout the game, Janine was in a huge position of power. So much so, she has been called the “Godmother” this season. However last week, she and ally Pia were blindsided with the Simon vote. This week, Janine and Pia remained an alliance of two. The question was if Luke and Abbey would stay true to their original Champions or go with the new alliance formed with Baden and Harry. Luke and Abbey went with the latter- eliminating one of the strongest players this season.

Australian Survivor Abbey voted offIn Episode 22, Abbey Holmes became the 21st person vote out of the game and the seventh member of the jury. Earlier in the episode, Luke found an advantage in the game- which allowed him the power to send someone back to camp in the next Tribal Council. While this person would not vote, they would be guaranteed a spot in the final four. After winning the immunity challenge later in the episode, Luke didn’t need to use it on himself. Seeing how Abbey, Baden and Harry were all wanting to get Pia out next, Luke and Pia worked together in the next vote. At Tribal Council, Luke sent Baden back to camp while Abbey ended up being the person voted out in a 2-1-1 vote against Harry and Pia. Luke wanted to take Abbey out given her strength in the challenges. If Luke wanted to better his chances, Abbey had to go.

The Final Four

Australian Survivor BadenBaden
Throughout the season, Baden has been quite the dark horse. In Week 1, he was almost voted out given how he seemed to keep to himself. However, he was spared by the women on the Contenders tribe. After that, Baden truly redeemed himself- surprising everyone and himself. In the challenges that followed,  Baden scored vital points for his tribe in some cases. While he hasn’t won individual immunity, came very close to winning a few challenges. Socially, Baden has been able to grow and come out of his shell. He formed a strong bond with Luke, which got him further in the game.

Chances of winning: Looking at the final 2 scenarios, Baden could probably only beat Harry. His edit has shown him to be getting better and better with the weeks that followed after the first. However this week, Abbey did expose Baden’s plan to take out Luke in Episode 21 had Luke not won immunity. Perhaps that scene last week with him failing at chopping the coconut is a hint that he comes up short? Of the four remaining, Baden hasn’t gotten too many confessionals. While I would love a win from Baden, I don’t think it’s going to happen. Nevertheless, I think he’s had a solid and relatable story arc.

AU Survivor 2019 HarryHarry
Originally coming from the Contenders tribe, Harry has been one of the most mischievous players this season. While Harry is still in the game, he’s had to rely on two idol plays to save him.  Throughout the game, Harry has had many failures in the game. Whether it be lying about having a son to his many attempts at getting Janine out, he’s had his share. Still, he’s somehow still in the game.

Chances of winning: Harry has no shot at winning the game. If he’s in the final 2 with anyone, he will most likely lose. No one on the jury respects him enough to let him win.

Australian Survivor LukeLuke
While this is his second time playing, Luke has played an impressive game. In the original Champions tribe, he was able to turn things around with David- having a ball the entire time. Throughout the game, Luke has been in positions of power and has been able to win a few challenges. Socially, it’s hard not to like the self-proclaimed King of the Jungle.

Chances of winning: If Luke makes it to the final 2, he’ll win easily. The jury loves him. Judging from his edit this season, it’s very possible that Luke could end up winning the whole season. Some might criticize that it took Luke two tries to win but in his defense- playing two seasons of AU is not the same as playing two season of the US version. Also, there’ve been several times where Luke could’ve been voted out.

AU Survivor 2019 PiaPia
As the last female left in the game, Pia has played an impressive game. While on the Champions tribe, she formed an alliance with Abbey and Janine- an alliance she’d stay true for a majority of the game. While she’s had a couple of close calls, she’s relied on not on her social skills but also her acting skills!

Chances of winning: In the very first episode, Pia gave a confessional in which she stated she would either be the first one out or the winner. She’s not the only one to comment on her finishing spot. Ross said in the first episode that he’d hate to come in second. Instead, he was medically evacuated. Just this last episode, Luke told Abbey at one point that he’d hate to finish in third. Luke is now in the final four and we know for sure he won’t finish in second. So is Pia right?  While she has been targeted a few times, Pia has also received a fairly positive edit. If she isn’t up against Luke in the final 2, she will most likely win.

Final Thoughts
This is all shaping up to be an exciting finale. May the best player win.

See you all next week!

next: Australian Survivor 2019 Week 9 recap

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Aaron ConnAustralian Survivor 2019 Week 8: Race To The Finish