Book: Ink and Bone (Rachel Caine)

JL JamiesonBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment

ink and bone rachel caineInk and Bone

Rachel Caine


Published July 7th, 2015

ISBN: 045147239X (ISBN13: 9780451472397)

In this alternate timeline, The Great Library of Alexandria, which did exist in 3rd Century BC and was mysteriously burned down either 60 or 200 years later, has survived, and become the center of all knowledge in the world. To avoid the dissemination of thoughts that aren’t ‘true’, all books are controlled by the Library, through special Codexes. These are copies that through technology ‘mirror’ original works, but aren’t unique or original in themselves. Owning hand written, original copies of books is forbidden.

There’s always a black market

Jess Brightwell’s family deal in black market books, selling originals to wealthy collectors. Jess’ father pays an exorbitant amount of money to get Jess a spot to take the test for going into service for the Library. Having someone inside the government entity would be invaluable; he’d know where all the rare books were, and when raids would happen.

Once Jess goes into training, a friend of his makes a discovery that could make the Library’s technology obsolete. This brands him a heretic, and Jess quickly learns that those in the Library hold knowledge as far more valuable than human life.

Ink and Bone is part of a planned trilogy

I read this first book in The Great Library trilogy in preparation for reading book two, which is out later this summer. It’s a good series that will appeal to book lovers and YA fiction readers alike; it’s got action, suspense, and excellent world building. The characters are interesting and likeable, and the story is compelling enough to make the reader eagerly await what comes next.



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JL JamiesonBook: Ink and Bone (Rachel Caine)