Book Review: Network Effect (Martha Wells)

JL JamiesonBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment

Network Effect

Martha Wells


May 5th, 2020


Murderbot is back in the fifth installment to The Murderbot Diaries series. Dr. Mensah asks Murderbot to accompany her daughter and members of her family on a research trip, and an excursion that seems like a (thankfully) uneventful trip turns into a nightmare for poor Murderbot. Murderbot’s dear friend ART (Asshole Research Transport) ropes everyone into a rescue mission that means not just keeping a bunch of clueless humans alive, but requires something Murderbot has never been good at–socializing.

This was a novel length Murderbot book, which will delight fans of the series–normally we only get novellas in the series. As usual, the characters are excellent, the dialogue is snappy and clever, and we see more and more character development of the delightful (despite being glumly monikered) Murderbot. She’s seeming more human than some of the human characters.

If you havent picked these up yet, there’s still time, as this is only #5 in the series, and as I mentioned quite a few of them are novella length. An action packed, fun, and funny read.

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JL JamiesonBook Review: Network Effect (Martha Wells)