(Book)Darkness Descends, Alex Westmore

Robin LynnBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment



Darkness Descends  is the first novel in the Silver Legacy series by Alex Westmore. The Silver Legacy is the Silver bloodline, and also the magical items they use to kill demons. It was a highly enjoyable read, and I actually read it all in one sitting, staying up far too late to see how situations resolved. The book ended on a cliffhanger, but also at a good stopping place. It could act as a complete book, not requiring a sequel, and still leave the reader feeling satisfied.


Golden (Denny) Silver is just a normal college student. If your definition of normal involves siblings named Sterling, Quick, and Pure, living in one of the most haunted cities in America, having a ghost for a lover, and learning your family is a long line of demon hunters. Oh yeah, she’s the next hunter in the legacy, and has a powerful demon living inside her.


After being called by her brother Quick, Denny learns that the accident that killed their father and left their mother in a catatonic state, may have been caused by something much more sinister. So she starts researching, and quickly learns that not only is the supernatural world very real, it’s very deadly. And very, very interested in her. Demons have kidnapped Denny’s girlfriend Rush, (although, can you really kidnap a ghost?) and one is also trying to weasel his way into her young sister.


From Denny’s pulling all-nighters studying about demons, their habits, and how to kill them, to her exhausting physical training to become a hunter, she soon learns that there is much more to life than meets the eye. And that whole demon living inside her thing, yeah, that demon needs to be fed. It feeds on other demons, and if Denny isn’t careful, the demon inside her could take over her. For good.


It’d totally recommend it to several audiences. The different themes were well tied together, and having several significant characters being LGBTQIA was nice. It’s not too terribly common in urban fantasy to queer characters presented so realistically. It’s not thrown in as a subversive plot, it’s addressed the same as any other quality. So it’s got attraction there, it’s urban fantasy, there’s action, supernatural elements, and family drama. So another book that I’d recommend to most of my friends.


Publisher: Broad Winged Books
Publication Date: August 3, 2015



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Robin Lynn(Book)Darkness Descends, Alex Westmore