Falling Water Recap: No Task for the Timid

JL JamiesonShow Review, TelevisionLeave a Comment

Falling Water recap


Wow. Well. More answers.

We start with Woody talking to Tess about why she shouldn’t trust Bill. Woody says he was working with Bill previously, and the spinning thing Tess saw in that last dream where she couldn’t get to the boy was some sort of device of Bill’s that locks people in, preventing them from freedom in their own dreams. He says Bill is looking to monetize greater access to dream.


Do we believe this? I mean, Bill is slimy, but really?

Taka talks more to his mother in his dreams, and she tells him the boy is her key to coming back. It’s hard to tell here if anyone is the ‘good guys’.

Burton apparently quit his job, and talks to his previous employer about getting to meet Mr. Song. It’s obvious he’s looking for the boy.

The cult leader is convincing Taka that they will protect the boy, and Taka seems a bit doubtful. Understandably. They’re a bit…off. We get another clue about Topeka, when she says she’ll meet Taka ‘in Topeka’ when they’re about to meet in the dream. Hmm. They meet up in some sort of warehouse space, and enter a big metal box. It’s full of peepholes into Tess’ dreams. The cult needs Taka to follow Tess into her dreams and tell them when he finds the boy.

Ok, that’s freaking creepy. She says Tess will trust him. This is definitely off. I’m more and more convinced the only good guy here is Tess. She’s the only one with no other motivation than the boy’s well being.

The icy blond is pissed at Burton for pressing about Mr. Song. She knows he’s really looking for the boy. She says if he wants the boy, she wants Burton’s dreams. How the hell does that work? She is exceptionally creepy as well about experiencing Burton’s dreams. She convinces him to get high on something? She tries to get into his head by making him see his mystery woman instead of her. He still tries to insist on seeing Mr. Song. She says Song never had the boy, Song was just the front for another buyer. Oh, damn. The buyer was Bill.

I guess Bill really is the biggest creep in this thing.

Is he sidling up next to Tess because he wants her to help him control the boy?

Tess tells one of Bill’s cronies that she knows who has her son. The crony immediately gets in dream. Tess follows her in. She sees a wall full of blue flyers, but this time they’re all Bill’s face, and they say “Don’t Tell Bill”. Taka watches from his peepholes.

Tess finds someone making one of the devices. She follows the woman, and Taka tries to follow them, making his own version of Ariadne’s thread so he can get back to the peepholes. Or so someone can follow him?

While Tess follows the woman, they both hear a baby crying. She loses the woman, and the sound. She wakes to find the woman gone.

Taka tells the cult leader Tess saw him following, and he doesn’t want to lie to her. The cult leader wants him to find out if she still trusts him.

Taka talks to Sabine about the dreams, and she thinks he’s nuts. Sabine is Tess’ sister, so he wants her to put him in touch with Tess.

Burton confronts Woody about the boy. Woody apparently scuttled the deal with White Sand so Bill would get him. Woody delivered the boy to Bill. Burton demands he take him to the boy.

Sabine gets Tess to talk to Taka. Taka tells her about his mother, and about his case investigating Andy’s death. It sounds like they’re going to work together to find the boy.

Tess and Taka follow his thread to where Tess last disappeared.

Woody takes Burton to where he last had the boy. The place is empty. They’re in a dream? They step inside the refrigerator to somewhere else.

Tess and Taka end up at the same building, and find a note: 8th Floor.

Burton and Woody finish stepping through the fridge to a mirror of the apartment.

Tess and Taka run into the woman she followed last time. The woman attacks, and they both wake.

Burton finds the boy, and there’s one of the devices in the room, presumably to keep him in. Burton has a fight with Bill, and they break the device. At the same time, we see Tess back at the building, downstairs. He yells for Tess. Burton picks the boy up, and as Tess bashes the door in, they escape out the window.

Tess wakes again, shattered that she missed her son yet again.

Previous Episode: The Well


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JL JamiesonFalling Water Recap: No Task for the Timid