Falling Water Recap: Three Half Blind Mice

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Falling Water recap

Falling Water recap


In our latest Falling Water recap, we get a glimpse of who Burton’s mysterious woman is right away at the beginning of this episode. She’s a writer. At least the typewriter makes sense now.

We see her talking to some people around a dinner table about a book she wants to write about a cult that believes they can enter people’s dreams. She’s obviously talking about the akepoT cult.

The woman who Woody is romancing in dreams goes to Burton because she’s panicking now that she knows what’s going on.

Tess has lunch with Woody. Apparently, he knows her from way back. He visited her when she was in the mental hospital. Is he the father  of her boy? He advises her to move on from the past. Yeah, not going to happen, buddy.

Dr. Sabine, your friendly neighborhood shrink

Taka has another weird encounter with Sabine. She is really weird about intimacy for a psychiatrist. While they’re buying flowers, Sabine sees someone across the street ripping flyers of the Boy off a wall. She freaks out a bit and tells Taka she has to go. How involved in all this is she?

Burton breaks into a storage locker. Is it the mysterious woman’s? The dress she was wearing in the dream is hanging up in there.

Sabine brings the flyer to Tess. Apparently, she was Tess’ psychiatrist. Things are really coming full circle. Everyone is connected in ways outside the dream. Sabine thinks Tess is going crazy again. She says she loves Tess? Interesting. Was she treating her, or a friend?

Burton looks through the mysterious woman’s storage locker, like he’s going down memory lane in someone else’s memories. Yeah, that’s not a little creepy. He finds the typewriter, and the sheet she was typing in the dream is in it. ‘Mere anarchy…’

He finds her book. It looks like she did end up writing it.

The power goes out across the city.

Tess finds the flyers where Sabine had said they were.

Burton buys battery lights from someone in the storage place, so he can keep trawling through the mysterious woman’s stuff, presumably for clues of where to find her. He finds a brochure for something called Askeyton, and it has a few familiar faces on it. Hmm.

Signs, signs

Tess finds more flyers. Someone is really papering the city with her son’s image. We also see a piece of graffiti shaped like an eye–in green paint. A mother and child walk by in green sneakers, and Tess  creeps the woman out by snapping their picture. What’s with all the green?

Taka spots the guy who was tearing down the flyers, and he’s wearing the green sneakers. He corners the guy and asks for answers.  The guys tells him the cult is after utopia. He talks reverently about Tess’ son. He’s key in their plans, something about uniting everyone’s dreams.

Tess keeps finding the flyer everywhere she goes. She finds a door with the eye graffiti, with ‘HIS NAME’ spray-painted on it. Of course she goes in. She finds a pile of boxes with green sneakers in them and some strange shrine of sorts dedicated to the Boy. She gets accosted by a creepy guy with a wrench.

AH. Sabine is Tess’ sister. Sabine gets the cops involved with the bump Tess took from wrench guy.

Burton follows Woody into  house, where the woman he’s been sleeping with in her dreams shoots him in the leg? I don’t blame her in the least. Burton demands to know about Askeyton, and where to find his mysterious woman. Woody won’t tell him, but says ‘fine, go to Askeyton’. Burton leaves and takes the woman who shot Woody with him? Ooookay.

Taka goes to check out the shrine, because he saw it on Tess’ camera. It’s got his mother’s signature on it. The rabbit hole gets deeper.

Sabine, Tess and Taka are all in Sabine’s apartment preparing dinner. They acknowledge they’ve met before. He asks her if she’s heard of Kumiko. He tells her he’s seen the boy in the consulate, and in his dreams. Tess figures out a way to quietly leave, and Bill comes to pick her up. Interesting.

Burton goes to Askeyton, signed up like an attendee.

Previous Episode: The Swirl



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JL JamiesonFalling Water Recap: Three Half Blind Mice