How Gambling Changed the World Through the Use of Technology

Garon CockrellMiscellaneousLeave a Comment

Without the world of gambling, one of the most well-known wonders of the world would not exist today. The Great Wall of China, renowned for the miles and miles of bricks and cement which make up the longest boundary in the history of mankind, was built due to funding accumulated from the game of Keno. Keno was created in ancient Chinese times, and is still enjoyed today as a popular casino game. While this was not the sole funding which went into the massive project, it made up a large majority of it.

Other contributions that gaming has created in the world may not be as great as the Great Wall itself, but they certainly are just as important to society as we know it today. President Richard Nixon in the United States used a beneficial outcome in a game of poker to fund his presidential campaign. Had this casino classic not been around, Nixon may never have had his spot in the White House.

Technology has also introduced another form of gambling which is well-known as online casino. Online casinos use mobile devices such as Android, Blackberry, tablet, iPhone or iPad. For fast speed, most of these casinos use HTML5 which comes with three types of code: HTML, which provides the structure; JavaScript, which makes things happen and Cascading Stgyle Sheets (CSS), which take care of presentation.

Betting, another common form of gaming, is responsible for the successful career of Dr. Seuss. This career started with a bet from a friend that Dr. Seuss could not write an entire story using 50 or less different words. This book became what is arguably one of the most famous children’s stories of all time, Green Eggs and Ham.

There are many other examples of the way in which gambling has created and changed history. With the world shifting in the direction of and gaming, who knows what influences it will have on society’s future in entertainment and other unexpected areas of life.

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Garon CockrellHow Gambling Changed the World Through the Use of Technology