Legion Recap: Chapter Seven

JL JamiesonShow Review, TelevisionLeave a Comment

Legion spoiler warning


We pick back up still in David’s created world. The Demon is questioning Amy about when David came to live with them. We see some memories that pretty blatantly hint at who David’s father is (but we already knew that), and the Demon wants to know where ‘he’ hid ‘it’. Hrm. It clearly wants something.

Carey figures out who/what the parasite is–it’s someone called Amahl Farouk, The Shadow King. He eventually shares this information with Melanie. He figures he should have guessed a long time ago, as David had said his ‘dog’ was named ‘King’.

Get me out!

We last saw that Farouk had boxed David away in his own mind. He starts going crazy, pounding at his confines and screaming. David spawns a copy of himself that speaks in a British accent that represents his rational mind, and he works out that since they’re all in his world, there’s nothing really holding him there but himself. He’s in control.

We also see the old confrontation between Xavier and Farouk on the astral plain played out, so we understand why Farouk might want to exact revenge via Xavier’s son.

David begins dismantling the walls of his prison, and seeks out Farouk.


We saw that Syd had been effectively sidelined within the hallucinatory world, but when Carey starts walking around in Oliver’s diving suit to protect him, he brings Syd special glasses that will show her what is real and what isn’t. They go off to figure out a way to save everyone in the frozen reality. They go in search of Kerry, who is being hunted down by The Eye.

They find Kerry, and while Syd, Kerry, Carey, and Melanie try to move everyone’s bodies out of the way of the bullets (and get the halo around David’s head), help materializes.

It’s Oliver.

He’s definitely powerful, that’s for sure. In a musical montage, we see him conducting reality like a symphony, weaving a shield around Syd and David’s bodies. Farouk is having none of it. He goes from tormenting Amy in the unreality to trying to stop Oliver.

Human origami

Farouk first decides to squish The Eye out of the way, collapsing him inward like he’s being sucked into a black hole. Ew. He tries to then stop everyone else, but Carey finally gets the halo device onto David’s head.

Time resumes, and David shields Syd with his body. It seems he takes five bullets in the back, but he holds out his hand and dumps all five unto the floor. They take care of the guys with guns in the room, and head back to Summerland.

Kerry is pissed at Carey for leaving her alone when she needed him. Yikes.

Melanie is thrilled Oliver is back in reality, but it seems he’s quite forgotten who Melanie is. That’s ok, they have time to remember.

As everyone is companionably eating breakfast, Division Three pops in, back like a bad penny.

And the interrogator who we thought was burned up awhile ago when Syd saved David? He’s at the head of the team.

Previous Episode: Chapter Six

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JL JamiesonLegion Recap: Chapter Seven