Lucifer Recap: Homewrecker

JL JamiesonShow Review, TelevisionLeave a Comment


The episode begins with the man who owns Lucifer’s building as the murder victim. This presents an immediate problem for Lucifer when the son of the man seems hell-bent on selling the building out from under him.

Maze is certain that Mother has something to do with it. As it turns out–not yet. Mother is still upset and disgusted that Lucifer doesn’t want to go home to Heaven with them, and latches on to the idea that Lux could be something that’s keeping him there. That if he didn’t have a physical home, maybe he’d want to go back with them.

She’s pretty clueless at that point, but gets a better idea of what’s going on after talking to Dr. Linda.

Dr. Linda spends much of the episode fangirling after Mother, and inadvertently clues Mother in to the fact that maybe it’s not Lux, but Chloe, that’s keeping him on Earth.

Throughout the episode, Chloe actually tries to help Lucifer keep the building. Lucifer starts a big party for the people there to kick him out, and late into the night the police are called. Chloe steps in to get rid of them, and–shocker–joins the party. Things begin to get interesting when we see a bit of a lightbulb as Lucifer tells Chloe of the historic significance of the club’s building. She decides to go to a friend and get the building classified as a historic site, so it can’t be bulldozed.

When Lucifer learns of this, we actually see it strike him pretty dumbfounded. He isn’t used to anyone treating him with love and generosity–he’s more accustomed to Quid Pro Quo. He invites Chloe to come to a really nice place for dinner, but in Lucifer fashion stands her up when he can’t come to grips with his own feelings. He’s in an appointment with Dr. Linda when the Dr. points out that perhaps in coming to L.A. he was looking for something–and found it in Chloe. You can see how much it scares him.

This episode we begin to see the Mother that Lucifer warned everyone about, but it looks like Luci might be the last one to see it. As the episode closes, we see that Mother has put a bomb under Chloe’s car. If she’s going to get her boy to go home with her, she’s got to make damn sure he has nothing left.

Also–in the episode, we see her go after…Dan? What is that about? Sleeping with Dan? Yikes.

Previous Episode: Trip to Stabby Town

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JL JamiesonLucifer Recap: Homewrecker