Lucifer Recap: Trip to Stabby Town

JL JamiesonShow Review, TelevisionLeave a Comment



Heh. A lot of good one-liners in this one. Bravo, writer’s room.

Also, Dr. Linda is back to talking to Luci! Well, not at first. The episode begins with the brutal stabbing murder of a woman. Lucifer is in talking to Dr. Linda, and she’s gone from horrified that Lucifer is actually the devil to being almost fangirlishly curious as to who is or isn’t in hell. It gets Lucifer solving his own problems in his rambling narcissistic way.

After another stabbing victim shows up, Lucifer gets the picture that something is a bit…off. On a hunch, he goes to where he buried Uriel’s body and Azrael’s blade–and the blade is gone. Azrael’s blade latches on to aggression, and in humans it amplifies that aggression to a killing rage. The knife must be found, because not only will it cause chaos and destruction, it can kill celestial beings, too.

Lucifer recruits Ella to find out who dug up the grave and stole the knife. Finally, we get to see a little more character development for Ella. Lucifer offers a favor in exchange for a favor–and the favor whispered in his ear is one that kind of horrifies him. Interesting.

As the case develops and the knife is followed, a few more one liners and visual gags drop in, and Chloe is starting to look a bit jealous over what looks like Lucifer and Ella getting close.

Ella puts together a piece of paper found at the burial site, and they figure out that the first killer was led there by a map that Lucifer’s mother gave him. She wanted to sow chaos on earth to get God’s attention. She wanted to mourn the loss of Uriel with her husband and return home to heaven. Lucifer is horrified, and more determined than ever to get the knife back.

Dr. Linda finally starts coming around, realizing that even if Lucifer really is the devil, he’s just like any of her other patients. Yay Dr. Linda! I knew you’d come around eventually.

When our team finally catches up with the knife, it ends up in Dan’s hands. He goes off on Lucifer, yelling everything that’s ever made him angry at Luci. After taking a few swipes at Lucifer, Dan starts fighting it. I think this is where Lucifer starts to see that Dan is a little more dimensional than he thought. He’s able to get the knife away from him, and take it back to Lux.

Mother is disappointed Lucifer stopped her chaos so quickly. Her, Amenadiel and Lucifer argue over whther god would ever have paid any attention, and while holding the knife, Lucifer admits that he feels so at home on earth because it’s the only place he gets any respect or welcome. Amenadiel has obviously taken up Mother’s cause, because he also thinks they should all be going home to heaven. I think this is part of Mother’s endgame playing out. Oh, Amenadiel. You’re more fallen than ever.

Finally, we find out what Ella’s horrifying favor is–she’s dragging Lucifer to…church?

Previous Episode: My Little Monkey


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JL JamiesonLucifer Recap: Trip to Stabby Town