Lucifer Season 2 Premiere Recap

JL JamiesonShow Review, TelevisionLeave a Comment


We rejoin Lucifer with the revelation that his Mother has escaped hell. He and Amenadial begin looking at everyone who’s recently died and mysteriously come back to life…but have come up with nothing. Maze is also conspicuously missing. Coincidence?

Meanwhile, life goes on for Chloe Decker, and there are murders to solve. At the murder scene we learn Dan is out of jail. Magically, things are dropped and he just gets demoted. …Ok. Something’s off there.

For a minute, it almost looks like Lucifer has found dear old Mum in the murderer. Someone has planted rebar horns in the victim. But as they question everyone who begins to look like suspects…no Mother.

Lucifer begins to explore his Mother problems with Dr. Linda. He resents Mom for letting him be cast out of Heaven. In turn, he did nothing when she was exiled in Hell.

Meanwhile, a new CSI person? Pathologist? shows up (Aimee Garcia) who almost seems more like a device to get Chloe to start taking things on faith. Is there something more to this character than it looks?

This, of course, after Amenadiel tries–and fails– to get rid of Lucifer’s blood sample (Chloe lets it drop that she’s taken one from the massive crime scene in the Season 1 finale). His time stopping powers seem to be…on the fritz? So he resorts to elaborately telling Chloe that Lucifer isn’t the Devil…he’s just a guy who had a messed up childhood. Can’t have a human gain proof of the divine, after all.

So, after another talk with the new girl, Chloe tosses the blood sample in the trash. She’s taking Amenadiel on faith.

Lucifer and Chloe both separately come to the conclusion that the murder victim’s surrogate Mom is the killer–but Lucifer takes it personally, seeing someone else’s mother betray her own child just brings those sore feelings to the forefront. Chloe steps in before things get ugly.

Maze returns, has a heart to heart and lets slip that she really needs to come to terms with where she fits here on earth. She’s been doing some serious talking with a friend (Dr. Linda). It’s good to see that perhaps Maze is becoming a more fully dimensional character, I just hope more of that growing and changing happens on camera.

Amenadiel’s powers fritz out on him again. This does not bode well. What’s going on here? Does it have something to do with his injury? Or his affection for Maze?

At the last…the elevator dings. Out walks Mom.

She gasps, calling to Lucifer for help…but she’s holding a knife. One that’s not immediately seen as bloody, so she hasn’t used it on someone else. I have a feeling that might change rather quickly.

Last thing: I really hope they keep having Tom Ellis sing. I’d tune in just for that.

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JL JamiesonLucifer Season 2 Premiere Recap