Popular Hollywood Movies That Have Casino Scenes Featuring The Game of Roulette

Garon CockrellMiscellaneous, MoviesLeave a Comment

The neon lights, glitz and glamour of top casino destinations across the world have been featured in both English and foreign language movies for a number of years. A number of the 007 James Bond movies involve casino scenes featuring the game of poker, whereas other movies such as Ocean’s Eleven focus on a casino heist.


The game of roulette has also been featured in a number of Hollywood movies and goes back all the way to the 1942 hit ‘Casablanca’ which won three Academy Awards for the Best Screenplay, Best Director and Outstanding Motion Picture. This was one of the first blockbuster movies to feature the game of roulette.

There have been a number of other movies to feature casino scenes involving the game of roulette including the 1993 hit ‘Indecent Proposal’ starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. The 1998 movie ‘Croupier’ which was a big hit in the United Kingdom and involved a lot of scenes involving the roulette table. One of the actors in the film was Clive Owen who shot to fame after the movie and went on to star in a number of popular movies such as The Closer and The Bourne Identity.

Other movies where the game of roulette has been filmed include 1974 movie California Split, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels from 1988, the 1998 acclaimed film ‘Run Lola Run’ and Toy Story from 2010. These mega movies have helped to increase the popularity of the game of roulette across the world and assisted both local casinos and internet casinos in marketing roulette games to a bigger audience.

Some of the top Hollywood celebrities not only act in movies that feature casinos and gambling but also have a reputation of being passionate about playing casino games. Some of these celebrities include Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Leonardo DiCaprio. The fact that their favorite celebrities love to visit casinos along with the impression left by these roulette scenes in movies stay in the mind of the viewers and give them an inclination to try the roulette table whenever they have a chance to visit a casino.


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Garon CockrellPopular Hollywood Movies That Have Casino Scenes Featuring The Game of Roulette