Quick Six Interview: K.B. Wagers

JL JamiesonAuthor Interview, BooksLeave a Comment

kb-wagersK.B. Wagers is the author of the new Indranan War series, with books one and two; Behind the Throne and After the Crown. The series is part space opera, part court intrigue that would please fans of shows like Firefly and Killjoys.

The books follow the heir to the Indranan throne; the system was first populated by earth settlers who eventually broke rank, forming their own means of government. After the men of the main 14 families of settlers started getting space dementia, the women formed a matriarchal empire. The books take place generations later.

The main character, Hail Bristol, is a princess who ran away twenty years previous and changed her appearance to become a feared gunrunner and criminal. She is recalled to her empire when members of her family are killed in mysterious circumstances, and she becomes the next in line for the throne.

K.B. Wagers lives in Colorado with her husband, son, and cats–

we caught up with her for a Quick Six Interview:

What inspires you recently?

Hamilton. *laughs* Everyone probably gives that answer this year, but it’s true. I’ve been listening to the music obsessively this year. I got a line inked on my arm back in the fall and I’m about to get “Rise up” inked on the other arm here in a week. I just finished reading the “Hamiltome” and I’m in awe of Lin Manuel-Miranda’s drive and dedication.

What do you do when you aren’t actively writing?

I don’t know? I’ve been writing constantly all year so I’m honestly not really sure what that means. *laughs* There was a lot of stuff I did a few years ago when I wasn’t writing but I’m not sure it’s things I’m interested in, or that I can do any more. Like running. I’m breaking myself back into the idea of free time right now with reading as many books as I can cram into a day.

Morning or night person for work?

I am without a doubt a morning person. Not those cheery morning people, mind you, but I like being up early. Probably because it’s quiet and I live in house with night owls so none of them are awake to talk to me at o’dark-thirty. I probably do my best work in the mornings, but this year I learned to write pretty much whenever I had an opportunity to do so.

What book is your touchstone?

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I fell asleep listening to the audio books a LOT as a kid. It’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It’s comforting, like a towel or Vogon poetry.

Any film/tv adaptations either make you cringe or make you think, they nailed it?

Sometimes I think I’m in the minority on this, but I loved The Hobbit movies. Jackson’s adaptation, for me, hit all the right spots of the book and brought them to life in a way that made me extremely happy.

What’s next for you?

Not quite sure yet. I’m trying to refill the well and then in the new year I’ll sit down with my agent and my editor and talk about what we can do so we can make a decision on where to go from here. I have a wealth of ideas in the trunk; but there’s always a chance for more Hail. Following me over on Twitter @kbwagers is always the best way to stay on top of the mess going on in my brain!

Review of Behind the Throne Pop Culture Beast, 2016:

Green haired gunrunner Captain Cressen Stone thought she’d left her former life as Imperial Princess Hailimi Bristol far behind her–20 years behind her. When one of her crew tries to kill her, and two Imperial Trackers show up, she knows her past is coming back to bite her.( Click to Continue)

Review of After the Throne Pop Culture Beast, 2016:

Hailimi Bristol, heir to the Indranan throne has been dodging a lot of assassination attempts lately. The more she’s sure she’s closing in on her family’s murderer, the more dangerous her life becomes. (Click to Continue)



Quick Six: Pop Culture Beast lets artists choose  from our standard ten questions – and we let them tell us what they’d like you to know.

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JL JamiesonQuick Six Interview: K.B. Wagers