If you spend time on public transport getting to work every day, you have probably wished on many occasions that you either didn’t have to do the commute, or that there was some way you could make it that bit more exciting or use your time more productively. Rather than quitting your job or playing pranks on your fellow commuters, we recommend that you make the most of your time by downloading some great apps. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Online grocery order apps
One of the best ways to be more productive on your commute to work is to do your online grocery orders. Instead of trying to squeeze in the time to go shopping after work or at the weekends, you can place your order each week and get your groceries delivered to your home at the most convenient time. This could give you back at least an hour of your week that you could spend on doing something that you enjoy. Most of the big stores offer online ordering for collection or delivery to your home for an added fee.
Brain training apps
Playing brain training apps is a great way to have fun but they also help to strengthen key skills like memory and processing speed. Peak is a really good app that offers loads of free games to play each day, with a range of different games and puzzles to keep you trying to beat your best scores. The game types cover language, problem solving, memory, focus, mental ability, emotion and co-ordination, so there is definitely a different type of game available for everyone’s taste.
Betting apps
If you follow sports closely or simply get caught up in the hype of big events, betting apps can give you key information about upcoming games, and you can spend your time on your commute to do some research on the sports events that you might like to bet on. Whether you prefer US sports and want to follow NBA betting on bet365 and other such platforms, or you are interested in betting on the English Premier League, doing some research around form, player availability and other key factors should help to improve your betting success.
YouTube for learning new skills
Of course, you will have heard all about YouTube and probably use it all of the time. However, are you using YouTube to its full potential? One of the great things about YouTube is that there are so many videos that are available to help to develop new skills. You could improve your skillset to boost your career, by learning an advanced software process, for example, or you could learn a new DIY skill that could save you money instead of hiring a professional to do a job. There are plenty of learning opportunities on sites like YouTube that you could use on your way to work.
Next time you get delayed on your way to work, you can reduce your frustration by making sure that you are putting your time to the best use possible with these apps, giving you more time back in your weekly routine, or the other benefits discussed.