How you play games says a lot about you. No, really, it does. It even says things you didn’t know about yourself.
So, some food for thought: we’ve compiled a list of what we think are the main gamer archetypes.
The Tactician
Often competitive players of multiplayer games, but not always. The Tactician moves slowly but strikes decisively. They analyze the situation, weigh up their options and make the call.
Tacticians can seem obsessive in their planning – particular for single player games that aren’t really that hard – but it’s the cleanness of their execution that’s so satisfying.
The Gambler
Pretty much as far from the Tactician and you can get, the Gambler acts on instinct alone. Not only that, but they are serious risk takers.
It’s common to see them fall flat on their face when their decisions are misjudged, but when they win, they win big.
There are, of course, many different kinds of Gambler – as article on Vikingslots describes– but, on the whole, these are the gamers who aren’t afraid to risk it all in pursuit of the big payout.
The Leader
You’ll usually find the Leader, playing a team-based multiplayer game. And you’ll usually hear them too because they’re the ones calling the shots and ordering the squad.
The Leader can be a mixture of Tactician and Gambler in their approach, but the key distinction is their ability to exude authority, take charge and rally the troops to fall in line behind them.
At their worst, however, they can be seen as arrogant and bossy, especially if their calls don’t often go to plan…
The Follower
Not far behind the Leader you’ll find the Follower. This isn’t a derogatory label – far from it – because what good is a Leader with no team? Or a team full of Leaders trying to lead each other?
The Follower excels at execution and reliability. The best Followers inspire Leaders with the confidence that their orders will be carried out, and that the team will either win together or lose together.
The Lone Wolf
The Lone Wolf, unsurprisingly, likes to go it alone. When part of a team in multiplayer games, they play for themselves and see the game as being won or lost on their contribution alone. For this reason, they can become monsters who carry games single-handedly, or they can drag everyone down with their selfish play.
When they’re not on the competitive battlefield, Lone Wolves prefer sprawling adventure games that they can really sink their teeth into, while steadfastly refusing help, determined to unlock the worlds’ mysteries for themselves.
The Completionist
Possibly the most frustrating player to watch. Every nook and cranny must be investigated. No collectibles can be passed by, no alternative path left unexplored.
Often also called achievement hunters, Completionists have a need to complete everything the game has to offer, bar nothing.
Just don’t let them anywhere near MMORPGs.
The Casual
Casual gamers are all around us. On the bus, the tube, the train, and amongst people who would never in a million years call themselves gamers.
Designed to be highly addictive but also be easily picked up and put back down again, these games are enjoyed by pretty much all of us.
The Casual doesn’t take their gaming habit seriously, and may even deny its existence. When they do play longer games, it’s on the easiest difficulty. When they play multiplayer games, it’s just to mess around with some friends.
There’s a casual gamer in all of us, and for some of us we could certainly afford to take things a little more casually.
So, which are you?
Garon Cockrell is the Founder and Editor of Pop Culture Beast and host of The Pop Culture Beast Show. He founded the site over seven years ago to have a place on the internet to write about the things he loved. Since then, Garon has become a best-selling author (Demonic and Other Tales), an award winning screenwriter (Best Screenplay 2013 Motor City Nightmares Film Festival), and a cast member on the top rated podcast, Never Not Funny.