Below a Million Subscribers: An Interview with Who Chaser

Aidan MasonMiscellaneousLeave a Comment

Dominic G. Martin, best known as Who Chaser to the dwellers of the internet, has recently made a massive splash within the Doctor Who community, with a video detailing racism within said community. He’s also well known for his cosplay tutorials related to the franchise, as well as his roles in many fan dramas.

What motivated you to start YouTube?

“So my first thought was that I wanted to do these sorts of tutorials, because I’m a cosplayer, so it made sense to do cosplay tutorials on Doctor Who outfits, given that was my main fandom at the time!”

What is it about Doctor Who that made you want to make content on it?

“I was always a massive fan of the show right from my childhood, and there’s so much to talk about with it! There’s almost 60 years worth of lore, aesthetics, all sorts to dive into and I find that truly incredible, so naturally it’s the ideal thing to just latch on to, so I did so and it seemed to go quite well!”

What videos are you currently the most proud of?

“Definitely my ‘How To Cosplay’ series, it’s definitely the stable series when it comes to my videos and they’ve helped people get into the outfits that I’ve made videos on. And for that, I’m just extremely grateful that people like what I have to say about them, and that I’ve helped people cosplay as well!”

Your latest video has gained a lot of traction within the Doctor Who community, what inspired you to make it?

“Well, it was something that I wanted to get out of my system. There are a few bad eggs in the community that like to parrot racism about and I simply wanted to get my views out there, because I felt it needed to be said after being sent some racist abuse myself over the past year. I’m astonishingly grateful for the reception that it has received.”

YouTube has been the target of criticism lately, how would you change the platform if you could?

“I’m not very technical when it comes to knowing how a website should be run but at the same time, the algorithm still needs a lot of work to be a bit more consistent. All too often, it relies on constantly exceeding yourself and sometimes that just isn’t possible because you can’t force people to watch everything, nor should you compromise your creative vision for easy views. But I’m just a humble creative.”

Do you have any advice for people who want to become YouTubers?

“Do what you’re most passionate in and it will draw people to you. Don’t start with the mindset ‘I’ve got to be famous’, because then you’ll just copy others and not forge your own creative identity. As cliched as it sounds, seriously, be yourself.”

Is there anything else you would like us to know?

“Well, I’ll be starring as the Doctor in a fan film series produced by Dynamic Works 2012 (DW2012) later this year, which is very exciting, and I’ll be airing my own works throughout the year, so be sure to check out my channel Who Chaser! Thank you for having me.”


You can subscribe to Who Chaser’s YouTube channel here.

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Aidan MasonBelow a Million Subscribers: An Interview with Who Chaser