The Best Gaming Adaptations of Comic Book and Movie Heroes

Pop Culture BeastMiscellaneous1 Comment

maxresdefaultWith video gaming becoming the world’s most popular entertainment form, there’s been a rush for many iconic movie characters and comic book stars to get involved in the gaming boom.

From online slots games that feature some familiar superhero faces, to some of the impressive sci-fi offerings on our smartphones, there’s a great range of gaming options out there, and here are some of the best!

Many of us gaming aficionados cut our teeth playing simple shoot-em-ups like GoldenEye on the N64, but things have definitely moved on since then. Whilst James Bond has yet to have a decent game to his name in recent years, other movie stars have had a more successful transition to the 21st century gaming realm.

The comic book heroes of the silver screen had done particularly well out of the video gaming boom. In particular, Batman has received acclaimed thanks to the Arkham Knight title for next-gen consoles, as well as his appearance in Betway’s latest slots releases with a Dark Knight Rises online casino game that furthers the Caped Crusader’s case for being the most successful comic book hero of all-time.

This is especially so considering the often dismal performance of the likes of Superman on our consoles. But science fiction is one realm that’s really managed to succeed in the gaming arena with last year’s Star Wars: Battlefront game offering a high-octane blend of action and drama that featured lots of exciting multiplayer options that’s going to be bolstered with a hugely anticipated Bespin expansion pack that’s due later this spring.

Another sci-fi title that recently received a long overdue gaming success is Star Trek. Mobile gamers got a real treat at the start of 2016 with the arrival of the Star Trek Timelines game for iOS and Android systems that delivered a massive range of celebrated characters in a fun strategic setting that did much to erase Trekkies’ painful memories of games like Star Trek Shattered Universe.

Even the growing realm of graphic novels have made some interesting inroads into the gaming arena with The Walking Dead making the surprise move from the page to being a TV series and then a hugely successful mobile game. Although The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land was another one of those games that suffered a little from the endless in-app purchases, it managed to provide enough zombie-slaying fun to ensure just one more game.

So from online slots games that gave new life to some of our favourite characters, to new fictional faces bringing extra vigour to our smartphones, it’s certainly an interesting time for our comic book and movie heroes.

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Pop Culture BeastThe Best Gaming Adaptations of Comic Book and Movie Heroes