Blindspot Recap: Resolves Eleven Myths

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We start the episode with Weller and Jane companionably making a….cake? Eating with Roman? Then a big knock down drag out fight with Jane vs. Jane?

Yeah, it was a dream.

Her subconscious seems to be telling her she doesn’t deserve to be happy.

The team gets together to talk about Sandstorm and the bigger picture. Nas chews Jane out because she didn’t finish uploading the chip, and saved Roman instead. It’s pretty obvious Nas doesn’t place any value on turning Roman. Weller is actually a bit supportive of Jane. Always the reasonable one, Weller.

He also confronts Nas about the bug.

Patterson and Jane dish about the water pollution guy. He’s been texting her and asking her out.

Someone has totally crashed the FBI systems. They’ve locked everyone out…and it turns out to be Rich DotCom (Ennis Esmer). He’s baaaack. He holds the systems hostage, and wants them to drop a bomb on a set of coordinates.

They find Rich chilling in Weller’s apartment drinking his beer. We already knew he’s a dick.

Reade and Zapata have some tense moments over the investigation into pedo coach’s murder. Zapata is beginning to get suspicious that Reade is withholding something.

Meanwhile, Rich gives the systems back and explains that he wanted to get arrested for the protection. A mythical hitman is apparently after him: The Acadian. He figures The Acadian will come after him and force the FBI to kill him.

When we rejoin Zapata and Reade, the ones on the murder case apologize to Reade, because they find the other tapes. Surprise! They made a list of the kids on the tapes, and want Reade to point out which victims are the ones to look at, and Reade gets piiiiiissed. These are victims, not suspects.

They try to ratchet up the stress on Rich by threatening to put him in general holding. He crawls through the ventilation shaft back into the office. Eyeroll. Rich is stubbornly irritating.

The Acadian infiltrates the building pretty quickly, and manages to shoot a few FBI men. Jane backs up Nas to get Nas back in her office, and she tries to convince Nas that Roman might be not all bad. Nas tells a story about someone she trusted that turned out to be Sandstorm and killed 3 agents. She eventually says she’ll consider it.

The Acadian sends a water cooler bomb up the elevator. It’s a chemical bomb, so they have to defuse it. They neutralize the chemicals with hand sanitizer, but the bomb part still goes off. Patterson gets knocked out.

Weller, Nas, Jane and Rich try to fortify and bring The Acadian to them. As they’re setting up, Weller grills Nas about the bug, and she gives him some guff about not trusting anyone. Riiiiight.

Zapata wants to get evidence on the murder case lost, but Reade doesn’t want her to, since he says he didn’t do it. There’s some static when Reade gets a bit tetchy. They run into The Acadian, who’s a fighting badass, and he ends up knocking out and taking Zapata. He shoots up Zapata with a neurotoxin that only Rich can identify the antidote to, and they figure out a way to trick the camera into making it look like they did what The Acadian told them to do, leaving Rich alone.

Reade and Nas go get Zapata (who is definitely dying). Jane and Weller lie in wait for The Acadian. Cue epic fight scene. Jane gets extra ass kicking motivation remembering her dream, but unfortunately The Acadian ends up dead. They find the antidote.

At least they didn’t use this episode to kill off Zapata. Another happy ending? Rich goes to jail. One irritating criminal down, and Patterson is ok. What’s more, she outsmarts Rich’s escape plan and gets Rich’s accomplice. YAY PATTERSON!

Nas changes her mind about Roman; she’s back to saying no.

Roman’s pager goes off, and the FBI mole has left a message in the dead drop. So, I guess that means the mole isn’t an unaware Weller. There goes that theory. Is it Nas?

Reade and Zapata make up. They’re not going to meddle in the murder investigation further.

Nas apologizes to Weller for the bug. Lots of fuzzy feelings talk. Is she trying to get back in his pants? YEP.

Jane goes on her DATE! With water guy! He’s got an adorable Australian accent, but he’s really kind of nosy. Jane realizes pretty quickly that it’s not going to work, and walks out. Her dream weighing on her conscience again?

Zapata steals the knife anyway, and it’s one that belongs to Reade’s old friend.

Roman goes to the dead drop…and it’s information ratting Jane out as an FBI collaborator, and shows some of the chip data. Oh, damn. Please tell me it’s not Patterson. Nononononono. It’s someone with access, whoever it is.


Previous Episode: Her Spy’s Harmed

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JL JamiesonBlindspot Recap: Resolves Eleven Myths