Book: Heartstone (Elle Katharine White)

JL JamiesonBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment


Elle Katharine White

Harper Voyager

January 17th, 2017


Aliza Bentaine is curious when a group of Riders are employed to exterminate the plague of gryphons that killed her sister and have been attacking the village. One of the Riders has rented a cottage for him and his sister to stay in, and Aliza’s mother begins scheming. She’s bound and determined to see at least one of her daughters married off, and a Rider will do quite nicely.

One of the Riders is from the noble family of Daired, and the man is arrogant and angry. His attitude and Aliza’s curiosity clash when her and her sister work with the Riders to show them where to find the gryphons. Will her sister grab the attention of the town’s newest tenant? Will Aliza ever get along with a Daired?

Basically, Heartstone is Pride and Prejudice with dragons. An interesting little fantasy setting with characters of Pride and Prejudice reimagined as small village girls and dragon riders. It’s a sweet little tale that reads more like young adult fiction, but it’s diverting nonetheless.

review High-Rise

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JL JamiesonBook: Heartstone (Elle Katharine White)