I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter
Erika L. Sánchez
Knopf Books for Young Readers
October 17th, 2017
Julia is miserable. It’s not been that long since her sister Olga died, and along with the pain from her sister being gone, her mother has now turned her sights on Julia. She finds the attention stifling, and it seems she can never do anything right.
After rummaging in Olga’s things one night, Julia finds a few items that suggest maybe Julia didn’t know her dowdily dressed sister as well as she thought she did. It starts her on a road to find out what her saintly sister was doing with the scandalous items, and to figure out who Julia is when she’s not feeling like she has to live up to everyone’s expectations.
A beautiful tale of a girl defying the expectations of traditional parents she feels are stuck in the past, and figuring out what she wants to do with her life. Make sure to add this to your book list–it appeals to young and older alike.
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JL Jamieson is a strange book nerd who writes technical documents by day, and book news, reviews, and other assorted opinions for you by night. She is working on her own fiction, and spends time making jewelry to sell at local conventions, as well as stalking the social media accounts of all your favorite writers.