Book Review: The Devil’s Prayer by Luke Gracias

Robin LynnBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment

devilsprayerSiobhan Russo’s mother disappeared six years ago. Leaving her and her younger sister Jess to be raised by their grandmother. Siobhan tried to create an explanation for why her mother left, but nothing she tried to comfort herself with was anywhere near the truth of why Denise Russo vanished.

The Devil’s Prayer is Luke Gracias’ debut novel. A gripping mix of horror, suspense, intrigue, a touch of the supernatural, and a female protagonist whirled into one stunning novel.

Denise Russo was having the time of her life. Newly engaged, celebrating her 28th birthday surrounded by her closest friends, and making a birthday wish that turned out to come true. Just not in the way she ever expected. But, that’s what happens when the Devil overhears your wishes.

Her wish, that the night would never end turns into her worst nightmare. After a grisly “accident” that leaves her mute and a quadriplegic, Denise is again visited by the Devil, who offers her the thing she desires most. Revenge and justice. But the cost is her daughter Siobhan’s soul. Six souls in six nights. Denise will recover fully, and lead a normal life with her daughter.

Only the Devil keeps intervening in Denise’s plans. She is forced to leave her daughters, and run. And run she does, back to the Catholic church of her youth. Where she begins to unravel the story of the missing 12 pages of the “Devil’s Codex”, an ancient manuscript written by another person who sold their soul to the Devil.

Flipping back and forth between Siobhan’s present and Denise’s past, all written in a diary given to Siobhan at the memorial service for her mother. In the diary is the details of the last six years, and everything Denise has done to help prevent the Devil return to power is unfolded.

I can’t go into great detail, because there are so very many points that are essential to the plot, and I don’t want to spoil this book entirely. But it’s a great read, and the wheels are turning to make it into a movie already. The book is a bit like The Name of the Rose and DaVinci Code, but a touch less conspiracy theory and more grounded in researchable, verifiable fact. The historical characters in the book are real people, the Codex Gigas is a real book, and Gracias weaves his tale so deftly that the line between historical fact and modern fiction is blurred. The prose is wicked sharp, skillfully teased into something that is much bigger than what is written on the page.

If you’re a fan of Dan Brown, Stephen King, The X-Files, etc…you’ll find this book enticing. Historical fiction fans, those who like fast paced action with a female protagonist will also enjoy this story. There is so much more to it that I haven’t even begun to touch on with the review, it really needs to be read. And, hopefully, soon, watched. In the meantime, keep an eye on Luke Gracias’ Instagram The Devil’s Prayer to see pictures from the historical places described in the novel, and visuals of the movie!


The Devil’s Prayer
Luke Gracias
Publisher: Australian eBook Publisher (February 18, 2016)
Publication Date: February 18, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B01BXR4838


9 Stars

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Robin LynnBook Review: The Devil’s Prayer by Luke Gracias