Book: Spectacle (Rachel Vincent)

JL JamiesonBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment


Rachel Vincent


May 30th, 2017
The creatures of Metzger’s Menagerie were managing to fool everyone and maintain their coup-secured freedom, but their luck finally ran out.

Vandekamp, the owner of The Savage Spectacle was tipped off by the Metzger family that Metzger was dead and the Menagerie no longer under their control. The cryptids of the Menagerie were for sale as long as he could secure them.

The raid captured so many of them. Now Delilah is determined to see them all free once more, but the Spectacle is going to be a lot more difficult to escape than the Menagerie was to take over.

Sequel to Menagerie, Spectacle continues the story of Delilah and the circus of cryptids. In the Menagerie world, cryptids lived free and roamed the earth, some living side by side with humans. The reaping changed everything, when changeling surrogates ensorcelled human adults into murdering their human children the world over. Now cryptids are treated as non-persons and dangerous creatures, either secured in shows like the Menagerie and the Spectacle, on wide government Reserves, or being experimented on in product labs.

Delilah is a powerful character; a woman stuck between humanity and cryptid, sharing her body with a fury–the embodiment of justice. Wrongs screaming to be righted surround her, and she has no real control over the fury within. It’s a story that speaks on multiple levels, and a series that begs to be followed. Can’t wait for the next one.

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JL JamiesonBook: Spectacle (Rachel Vincent)