Book: Stillhouse Lake (Rachel Caine)

JL JamiesonBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment

Stillhouse Lake

Rachel Caine

Thomas & Mercer

July 1st, 2017


Gwen Proctor just wants to live a safe, quiet life with her kids.

Except that Gwen Proctor used to be Gina Royal, wife to notorious serial killer Melvin Royal. Gwen and her kids have moved cities and changed names at least nine times already, and somehow the internet trolls and vigilantes keep getting closer.

The latest versions of their life is currently being lived along the shores of Stillhouse Lake, and things are shaping up to finally be normal. Gwen has met the nice, normal Sam Cade. Her kids are finally making friends.

Then the bodies begin showing up in the lake, killed and dumped in a manner chillingly similar to how her ex-husband liked to kill and dump the remains of his victims.

Definitely a departure from the YA novel we’d last seen (The Great Library series), Stillhouse Lake is solidly an adult thriller. It’s the start of a new series, and one I’ll definitely be following. It’s got twists you don’t see coming right away, and solid characters you form an immediate liking to. Haunted Gwen and her stoic kids are dynamic and interesting, and Stillhouse Lake will keep you up all night until the last page. It certainly did for me.

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JL JamiesonBook: Stillhouse Lake (Rachel Caine)