Book: The Stone Sky (N.K. Jemisin)

JL JamiesonBook Review, Books, MiscellaneousLeave a Comment

The Stone Sky

N.K. Jemisin


August 15th, 2017
Essun knew where her daughter Nassun was last–she’s pretty sure she’s not there now. On foot, she might as well be half a world away.

What Essun doesn’t know is how similar their destinations are. Nassun needs her, and no matter what she’s done or will do, she’s going to be there for her daughter, even if she completely turns to stone trying.

The Stone Sky is the third novel in Jemisin’s award winning Broken Earth trilogy, and it’s a beautiful, fitting end for a powerful and emotional series. We still follow both Essun and Nassun, but we learn a lot about the past, too–and what part the stone eaters have played in the breaking of the world.

This has been a favorite series to read these past three years. All three books have rich storytelling and emotional weight, giving the reader multiple perspectives, including one where we are Essun. A must have on every fan’s shelf.

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JL JamiesonBook: The Stone Sky (N.K. Jemisin)