Breaking: New Trailer for Deadpool 2 Released

Robin LynnAnnoucements, Breaking News, Movies, TrailersLeave a Comment

deadpoolThe much anticipated sequel of everyone’s favourite Merc With a Mouth is due out in March 2018, but a teaser was released with the latest X-Men movie, Logan. And after being leaked by excited fans, Ryan Reynolds himself posted the trailer for everyone to enjoy.

Between the MCU, DCEU, and X-Men franchise, there seem to be no shortage of comic book movies being produced. But this immense popularity has also led many critics to fear “superhero fatigue”, whereas the films become so formulaic and stale that the audience knows how to predict nearly every frame.

But last year brought us the R-rated romp “Deadpool,” which destroyed everything we thought we knew about the superhero genre. With a sequel being announced during the first film’s post credits scene, fans have been eagerly anticipating any new Deadpool material, while patiently waiting as “Deadpool 2” goes through a rocky development process.

So microwave your chimichanga, and buckle in for two minutes of Poolie goodness. (

Content warning for a couple F-Bombs, and Ryan Reynolds’ bare bum.)


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Robin LynnBreaking: New Trailer for Deadpool 2 Released