The Furious Seasons are presumably influenced by Bob Dylan, yet the first track of their fourth album, My Love is Strong, bursts out of the speakers like The Beach Boys. With an a cappella intro that gives way to an electric organ, “Southern Night” is a bouncy start. Sure, singer David Steinhart sounds a bit like Dylan, but that comparison may be oversold. If anything, their sound, overall, is more Americana circa 1995, but with a twist.
That twist, of course, is in the backing vocals, the best example of which is “Understood.” Apparently David Steinhart is one for a story, and in this track he sings from the point of view of a guy who is betrayed by an old friend whom he then shoots and kills. “I feel like I’m already dead,” he croons as his character ponders his fate with the hangman. Ten people supply backing vocals to give the story a choral feel.
Of course having a sound reminiscent of the ‘90s doesn’t mean you have to stick to one style. The ska-flavored “Full Disclosure” pops up mid-way through, complete with a horn section and Two-Tone inspired backbeat. It’s an interesting hybrid of two of the more dominant musical styles of the Clinton years.
“Want Me Too” takes things in a slightly different direction, but manages to stay within the album’s framework. Jangly guitars, with an occasional twangy note, and backed again with Beach Boys-like, or Crosby/Stills & Nash-rescue backing vocals, it harkens more towards the ‘60s.
Good fun this, it certainly works better when they pick up the pace. The slower songs seem to meander a bit compared to the more focused fast numbers. And while there’s no shortage of Americana sounding acts these days, The Furious Seasons are certainly worth a listen.
7 Twangs out of 10
PF Wilson has been writing about music, TV, radio, and movies for over 20 years. He has also written about sports, business, and politics with his work appearing in Cincinnati CityBeat, The Houston Press, Cleveland Scene, Cincinnati Magazine, Cincy Magazine, Atomic Ranch, and many more. Check out his podcast PF’s Tape Recorder available from Podbean or in iTunes.