Comic Movies To Come and The Comics Books You Should Be Investing In

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Comic Movies To Come and The Comics Books You Should Be Investing In

Getting comic books as an investment is a new trend youngsters like to follow these days. Since they are turning into big screen pictures, the fame has increased for them and now, they are superheroes to millions of kids as well as adults.

There have been many comic characters and books, but only a few of them made it to a movie. If you need to know which are the new exciting books and some movies coming into theaters, you must go ahead and read more:

– Ant-Man And The Wasp

Be ready to witness Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne returning for another adventurous trip. As it is shown in the comic books, he would get a shrinking suit for himself and become a bit of baddie. That might be a thread of his part as his story links to the movie Infinity War part -1 and part-2. It is releasing on the 29th June 2018 in the UK and on 6th July 2018 in the United States.

– X-Men: Dark Phoenix

It is also planned to go under a title of X-Men: Supernova and you can expect a detailed version of Dark Phoenix. Simon Kinberg has worked on the screenplay and directed the movie himself. Players from the first class (movie) would be returning and alongside them, Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark from Game Of Thrones) stars too. The movie is ready to hit the theaters on 2nd November 2018.

– Aquaman

Not so sure if this comic character would ever get a chance to be mentioned for a movie but, it’s happening now. Aquaman, another superhero is the king of Atlantis (at least to start with). the list of his desirable powers consists of swimming, healing, endurance, strength, and marine telepathy.

According to some stories, he has a control over water too. DC introduced the character initially in 2016 in the movie Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. The respond of the viewer is definitely unpredictable for now. Only time will tell the truth as the movie would go to theaters on 21st December 2018 in the United States.

– Captain Marvel

Although the name dates back to 60s, with advanced superhero skills, her powers to have been altered and modified. She generally shows off her superhuman strength, durability, and the powers of absorbing as well as projecting energy. As per it was in the comics, Carol got powers gifted through an explosion of the alien device.

Although, it cannot be described exactly what the movie would imply, initially, her adventurous would be limited to the earth. Guess who would play the character of Captain Marvel? She would be none other than Brie Larson. The movie would be released on 8th March 2019.

– Avengers: Infinity War sequel

Obviously, the most awaited one, right! Even though the title does not seem to be too catchy, the makers are on the verge of making a different new title. Its just they are a bit hesitant to reveal it so soon. If they do, they think it could be the spoiler as part one has been out and watched already. Greatly welcomed and appreciated for its story and screenplay as well.

Most of you have no idea what would happen in the next one, the only sure things are the unlimited excitement and fun. You witnessed some tragedy in the first part. However, just hope that second part would be all about winning for the troupe of Avengers. The movie is set to be released on 26th April 2019 in UK and 3rd May 2019 in the United States.

If you are a comic lover, you must have your collection of books and movies. Buy your favorite or buy them in bulk, if you use online discount coupons, you can have it at a moderated price. So, never miss a new adventure of your beloved comic character.



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Pop Culture BeastComic Movies To Come and The Comics Books You Should Be Investing In