Concert Review: Rooney

Kyle DodsonConcert Review, MusicLeave a Comment

It’s rare that an artist can make a small venue sound like a giant arena while still retaining that intimate feel. It’s even rarer when that artist is doing it solo AND performing complete acoustic reworkings of their songs. Rooney (Robert Schwartzman) pulled this off extremely well and created a unique and memorable experience for everyone in attendance.

Schwartzman was fun and energetic giving it his all and really connecting with the audience. It felt like  your talented friend song all of your favorite songs at a party. Everyone was singing along and Schwartzman spent the entire time beaming from ear to ear.

It was a celebration of 20 years of Rooney and the reworked songs worked so well acoustically and I’d love an all acoustic release down the road. In my interview with him, Schwartzman said that not all of the songs work acoustically and that was part of the challenge of this tour. That didn’t stop him from giving the audience a taste of the songs they yelled out.

I can’t stress enough how much fun this show is and even if you’re a casual fan of Rooney, you’re going to kick yourself if you miss it.

10 out of 10 Stars!

Check out the tour dates below and read my interview with Robert Schwartzman of Rooney here:

rooney break the wall 2019 tour

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Kyle DodsonConcert Review: Rooney