Aliens, Timebending, ok. Gay? Let’s See

Martina O'BoyleBreaking News, TelevisionLeave a Comment

Dr Who gay

“It shouldn’t be a big deal in the 21st century. It’s about time, isn’t it?”

We are taking lesbianism in outer space, people. Or, in other dimensions. Or possibly just in a tv show. The above is the opinion of Pearl Mackie, the actress playing the latest companion of our favorite Time Lord, Dr. Who, and she is referring to her character, Bill Potts, being openly gay.

Potts, an odd oldschool surname choice seemingly from Dickens or Designing Women, will reportedly introduce her girlfriend in the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who. Get your poison pens and embossed outrage stationery ready.

Dr. Who gay romance factor? Zero. Except Jack.

“[Being gay] is not the main thing that defines her character – it’s something that’s part of her and something that she’s very happy and very comfortable with” Mackie told The Guardian.  More significantly, whether or not yet another sucker of a human will be happy and comfortable risking life, limb and sanity travelling aboard the Tardis, we will see.

The actor, far more known for theater, was announced as a cast member last year and makes her debut in the show alongside Peter Capaldi, who is bailing on the role after this season, on April 15 in the U.K.  Mackie said that it was important for the popular show to reflect diversity.

“That representation is important, especially on a mainstream show,” Mackie continued. “It’s important to say people are gay, people are black – there are also aliens in the world, so watch out for them.” Wait, what the – aliens? What does this woman know that we don’t?

Gay Companion? Heavens!

A few years ago the British media reported the Doctor Who series, and by default the now hip BBC, might have a gay agenda, according to the allegedly concerned, pearl-clutching public. A gay agenda? How could that be sandwiched in amongst timebending mindbending real/not real adventure that sometimes takes a committed watch or three to compute? True, not true, relevant or not, the show remains popular world-wide, and let’s see if this character ruffles any feathers in 2017.



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Martina O'BoyleAliens, Timebending, ok. Gay? Let’s See