Hamilton Creator’s Freestyle Love Supreme Comes to SeeSo

Joe PortesBreaking News, Comedy, Online ShowsLeave a Comment

Before there was Hamilton there was Freestyle Love Supreme. And before that, there was In the Heights, but that’s a different project for a different time. Now Lin Manuel Miranda may be on to bigger, better things but he started with little seen plays like Heights and the underrated improv series that’s like Whose Line is it Anyways for comedic rappers. Freestyle Love Supreme was originally a live show that also aired on “Pivot TV,” a channel I’ve never heard of in my life, in 2014. SeeSo, jumping on the LMM/Hamilton bandwagon (a smart move I might add), decided to bring the old series to their platform with some exclusive new content. It’s not absolutely hysterical, but these guys are all very impressive freestyle rappers and quite funny on top of that.


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Joe PortesHamilton Creator’s Freestyle Love Supreme Comes to SeeSo