Geeky Clothing on Kickstarter Now: Subtle Gaming Prints!

Eliot HochbergCulture, MiscellaneousLeave a Comment

Do you want to show your geek cred, but don’t want to scream it with a costume or even more subtle bounding? Have a look at LudoCherry’s clothing line!

LudoCherry is running a Kickstarter now until March 25th for their dice, meeple, and Cthulhu-ish madness patterns. They’ve made a few really cool prints, and offer them in pieces for both men and women. Shirts for men, skirts for women (although I don’t see why you couldn’t swap that if you were so inclined). Check it out now!

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Eliot HochbergGeeky Clothing on Kickstarter Now: Subtle Gaming Prints!