Free Grand Kingdom Demo Coming to PlayStation on 6/9

Joe PortesGames, Video GamesLeave a Comment

If you remember a PSP game from a few years ago called Grand Knights History, you’ll already sort of know this game. Thing is, Grand Knights History never came to the United States; the localization was cancelled. This left many fans of deep strategy RPGs very disappointed. Well, now we can rejoice as the spiritual successor called Grand Kingdom (or sequel if you got the original in Japan) is coming soon. The beta has already happened and, from what I understand, it went pretty well.

The next thing to look forward to is the lite demo available for free to all PS3, PS4, and PS Vita owners on June 9th. Publisher NIS America has already talked about live streaming the event so if you don’t have access to play the demo you can at least watch @NISamerica play it. I know one thing for sure: I will be playing that demo ASAP and will report back to the Beast readers as soon as I have something to report. I was one of the few who went through the hassle of patching the Japanese version of Grand Knights History (very nerdy, I know) just so I could try it on my American PSP. The game didn’t disappoint, and I’m sure this one won’t either.

Stay for updates when the game comes out and further coverage detailing the game’s story, classes, online features, and more coming soon.

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Joe PortesFree Grand Kingdom Demo Coming to PlayStation on 6/9