Gravity Rush 2 Flies Into E3

Jason ArriolaGames, Video GamesLeave a Comment

It may not have made an appearance during Sony’s E3 conference, but Gravity Rush 2 still got a trailer for E3. When it came out on the Vita back in 2012, Gravity Rush was one of the first (and still maybe one of the few) games to utilize the Vita’s functionality without it feeling gimmicky. Remastered for the Playstation 4, Gravity Rush Remastered was released February this year in the West.

While it’s sales never really soared, it gained a loyal following, myself included. Sony took note and, sometime this year, the sequel is due out on the Playstation 4. You can check the trailer for it below.

And, if you have some time to kill, you can watch thirty minutes of actual gameplay from Gravity Rush 2.


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Jason ArriolaGravity Rush 2 Flies Into E3