Concert Review: Hanson Red Green Blue Tour – Los Angeles

Garon CockrellConcert Review, Live Music, Miscellaneous, MusicLeave a Comment

Hanson has returned to LA, taking the stage at the Theatre at the Ace Hotel for a career spanning blast of a set with the Red Green Blue 2022 Tour. Following the opening set from the wonderful supporting act, The Grand Southern, Hanson took the stage to the audible delight of a theater full of fans of all ages.

I’ve seen Hanson more than a few times over the years and they never fail to put on a powerhouse show. This was no different and in fact as time goes on, they just seem to get better and better.

Thirty years of making music is nothing to scoff at and Hanson puts every bit of that experience to work on stage in a tremendous collection of songs.

Each brother gets their moment, with Zac, the youngest, delivering a staggering performance of “Go,” one of my favorites. Isaac followed that up with a country tinged moment before we get This Time Around, which drove the crowd crazy, and then the funk filled “Cold As Ice.” Taylor’s solo moment was a highlight with “Truth.”

Whether you’re a fan from the beginning or new to the band, Hanson is a show you can’t miss. They are much much more than the song you know them for. A true powerhouse band with a consistently great discography makes for a show full of great songs. There’s not a dud in the bunch.

If you find yourself with the chance to go, I highly encourage you to do so. You’ll have a blast and leave with a new respect and love for the brothers Hanson.

Click here for tour dates and check out the full set list below!



I’ve Got Soul
A Minute Without You
Where’s the Love
Thinking of You
If Only
Don’t Let Me Down
Child at Heart
Penny & Me
No Matter the Reason
Write You a Song
This Time Around
Cold as Ice
Thinking ‘Bout Somethin’
With a Little Help From My Friends (The Beatles cover)
Greener Pastures (With Mac Hanson)
I Was Born
Get the Girl Back
Lost Without Each Other

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Garon CockrellConcert Review: Hanson Red Green Blue Tour – Los Angeles