Looking For A Fun Night Out in LA? Two Bit Circus Is Here!

Garon CockrellCulture, Games, Opinion, Reviews, Theme ParksLeave a Comment

Now open in Downtown Los Angeles is the “Micro-Amusement Park” Two Bit Circus. It’s a neat little place with VR, gaming, and “story” rooms similar to escape rooms but much more story driven.

A couple friends and I were invited out to enjoy an evening at Two Bit Circus and we were super stoked to come check it out. It sounded like a blast.

When we arrived, we were greeted by a super nice receptionist who set us up with some cards and then we were off to the races.

There are arcade games, lots of Virtual Reality options, a midway, and the story rooms. It’s a really clean and spacious place with plenty of room for expansion.

We each went in with $30 playing cards, reloadable cards that are used for everything, and to be honest, this is not enough to have a full night of fun. We were able to do a VR Maze which was really cool, a story room, and then a couple of the smaller arcade games. After that we were met with some down time. Look, if I wasn’t broke I could have easily added more funds to the cards but unfortunately neither of us could afford that so we had to just wander around for a bit until our Story Room started.

The story room was a blast, it’s super interactive. We did Space Squad In Space which put us and a few strangers in a star ship dealing with whatever was tossed our way. It was super fun, really interactive and got all of us talking with each other and working to survive this trip. Great fun.

At the end of the night, we had a few fun experiences, oddly enough the best value being a multiplayer pac-man game, but don’t take my being broke as a negative towards the location. I think if you can swing a $50 game card (per person) you’re good for plenty of fun. A maze, a story room, some more VR activities. You’ll be satisfied.

Two Bit Circus is a great place with a ton of potential and an exciting entry into the fun things to do around town here in LA. It does make one excited to see what else in this vein is coming down the pipeline and what else Two Bit will bring for us to play with in the future.

Two Bit Circus

Tuesday – Thursday: 5pm – 11pm
Friday: 5pm – 1am
Saturday: 1pm – 1am
Sunday: 1pm – 11pm



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Garon CockrellLooking For A Fun Night Out in LA? Two Bit Circus Is Here!