Lucifer Recap: Quid Pro Ho

JL JamiesonShow Review, TelevisionLeave a Comment


Well. Amenadiel to the rescue. We left the previous episode with Mother about to blow up Chloe’s car.

Amenadiel put a very quick stop to that, and we found out why. More on that later.

Charlotte gets told quite clearly by everyone that she’s not going to get away with harming Chloe–firmly by Amenadiel, and later, forcefully by Lucifer. He’s obviously very attached to her, as much as he’s hesitant to admit it.

In this episode, Chloe’s dad’s killer was on trial, and it wasn’t looking so good when the Russian they’d lined up as a star witness ended up without a head, and said head mailed to Dan at the police station.

Lots of one-liners on how Dan slept with Mother, by the way. Bravo, writer’s room.

At least Dan figures out quite quickly he’d been used when Charlotte uses the fact that Chloe was the first on the scene of the not-her-father’s-killer’s death. She got it off of Dan’s phone.

It kind of ruins a great little play-to-the jury Lucifer does in his own testimony, getting the jury and the judge to love him in his usual charming Lucifer way.

Charlotte thinks she’s going to somehow get Chloe to do or say something that puts Lucifer off. Boy was she wrong.

Not only does Lucifer compliment the heck out of Chloe on the stand, but she returns the favor.

Lucifer admits to Linda that he stood Chloe up on their dinner date, and Linda tries to get him to see he’s been lying to himself. He reluctantly begins to come around. That’s why he spends so much time being nice and apologizing.

Amenadiel goes looking for the bomb Mother put under Chloe’s car, and Maze makes a rather explosive point in telling him that she’s on the job and nothing is going to happen to Chloe. Amenadiel’s car suffers for it. She’s kinda pissed at Amenadiel.

Everyone’s disgusted with Dan. Lucifer puts him through a wall for sleeping with Charlotte, but seems to cringingly get over it.

Finally, Amenadiel hits on an epiphany after talking with Chloe’s mother. They have a talk about how he wants to apologize to Maze (Linda pointed out that he’d done to Maze what he’d done to Linda, and he felt like a prime jerk) and he realizes he’s talking to Chloe’s mother. Then, he realizes he recognizes her.

Here’s the big a-ha moment. Amenadiel is pretty pissed when he figures out he’s been a pawn in a much longer game. Years ago, Father had sent him down to give a little angelic help to a couple who couldn’t have a kid. That was…wait for it…

Chloe’s parents.

This explains why she reacts with Lucifer like another angel, and why he seems vulnerable near her. She’s a little bit divine herself.

Charlotte seems to think this is perfect, and will get them all back to heaven. I cringe to think how.

We end the episode just as Lucifer catches up with Chloe, bringing her a simple dinner to make up for the one he missed, and it looks as though they’re about to kiss….and credits roll.


I bet the next episode will show that interrupted, too.

Previous Episode: Homewrecker

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JL JamiesonLucifer Recap: Quid Pro Ho