Lucifer Recap: Weaponizer

JL JamiesonShow Review, TelevisionLeave a Comment


We start the episode where we left off the last one–with Chloe in a car accident. She walks away, though, a bit bumped but alive.

Lucifer thinks it’s his Father sending him a message.

Chloe and Trixie are moving into the new place with Maze, and Trixie is a bit scared, because she’s starting to realize that Chloe’s job might be dangerous.

The new crime scene is at the dojo of a famous martial arts actor. He was smacked in the head with an award. Lucifer spouts off a few wild theories, and Ella apparently still thinks Lucifer is a method actor.

Lucifer spots someone on a roof, and goes up to investigate….and it’s another angel–Uriel. He tells Lucifer in no uncertain terms: bring Mother to him in 24 hours, or he’ll finish what he started with Chloe. Lucifer was kind of right–the car crash was a warning. Father’s just sent one of the brothers to deliver it.

Back at Lux, he tells Maze and Amenadiel about Uriel. Maze is all for sending Mom back. If it wasn’t abundantly obvious to everyone in the room, Maze haaaaates Mother. Lucifer wants Amenadiel to convince Uriel to go away, but since Amenadiel hasn’t told Lucifer about his little problem…wonder how he’s going to accomplish that one.

Back at the cop shop, Dan and Lucifer bond a little bit over their mutual fandom of the dead actor. They question the ex-wife, and she clues them onto the dead actor’s rival; her current husband.

Mother is not having a great time at work. Amenadiel visits her, and tries to convince her to go back to hell…sort of. She gets all sweet with him, and he loses his nerve.

Meanwhile, Lucifer is driving Chloe nuts being overly paranoid about her safety. While on a state out, though, they find the suspect (amusingly, played by real life martial arts expert Mark Dacascos). As it turns out, he’s become a leg breaker for the mob. He lets on that the ‘rivalry’ is a sham, but even though he’s got an alibi they find the murder weapon connected to him.

Since the guy is broke, Lucifer pays his bail. Really, dude? Chloe is unamused.

Amenadiel talks to Lucifer about Uriel, and he wants to hide Chloe and wait Uriel out. Lucifer is astonished, and gives him a pep talk. Amenadiel still hasn’t told him. Can he fake it?

He tries, and puts the attitude on. He gets pushy and in Uriel’s face, and it seems like Uriel is going to go…until he sucker punches him. He’s figured it out. He knows there’s something wrong with Amenadiel. No way Uriel’s going home now. Amenadiel overplayed his hand. Is he going to tell Lucifer? Or will Amenadiel be forced to admit it?

Dan figures out that both actors shared the same business manager, and he’s apparently ripping them off. Looks like he tried to frame the rival for it.

Amenadiel fesses up to Lucifer. Lucifer is less sympathetic to Amenadiel than expected. He tells Amenadiel he’s probably better off, but he has bigger problems, as this means Chloe’s life is still in danger. It’s unclear whether at that point Amenadiel is more hurt that Lucifer doesn’t really care he’s fallen, or more surprised that Lucifer actually cares about Chloe that much.

Uriel is back on Chloe’s tail.

Mother is having trouble with her host’s human children. Maze scares the one acting out into behaving, and Mother decides that maybe Maze is useful after all. Is Maze making peace?

The business manager is having lunch with the ex wife, and Chloe gets them both to confess. The rival shows up with a shotgun to kill the business manager in a dramatic gesture, and Lucifer figures the situation is engineered to kill Chloe. Chloe talks the rival down. Lucifer wants to dive her home, but Chloe is determined to go home by herself.

Mother shows up back at Lucifer’s penthouse and insists she’s going to let Uriel take her back to Hell. Maze must have talked her into it. Lucifer has a meltdown about everyone interpreting the desires of God, and how he’s sick of everyone telling him. Mother says Uriel isn’t going to give up, but Lucifer is determined to find a way for her to stay. Looks like he’s determined to keep at least part of his family together, now that he has them.

He meets Uriel at the church Uriel wanted Lucifer to bring Mother to, but comes alone. Looks like there’s going to be some more angelic bluster, but I’m thinking it’ll be more on Uriel’s part. Lucifer isn’t going to take no for an answer.

Indeed, Uriel threatens Chloe again. He also lets on that he’s afraid Father will forgive Mother, and mother will destroy Father. Uriel is nuts. He’s stolen Azrael’s blade, and intends to use it on either Chloe or Mother. So…Luci opens up a can of angelic whoop-ass. When it looks like Uriel might have the upper hand, Maze comes to the rescue. Uriel wipes the floor with her.

Lucifer gets hold of Azrael’s blade, and stabs Uriel. This is a pretty heavy moment, as he sits there with the blood of his brother on his hands. Essentially, he’s killed another angel for Chloe and Mother. He didn’t want to see either one of them dead. He didn’t want to kill Uriel, though. He’s pretty broken. He cries in Mother’s arms. Will this bring him closer to her, and how is she going to use it against him? I still don’t think she’s being honest about why she’s on Earth, or what her intentions are.

Previous Episode: Lady Parts



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JL JamiesonLucifer Recap: Weaponizer