Movie Trailer: Rogue One – A Star Wars Story

Garon CockrellBreaking News, Movies, Theatrical, TrailersLeave a Comment

We finally have a look at the first Star Wars Anthology film, Rogue One. The teaser trailer debuted this morning on Good Morning America and thankfully was released online shortly thereafter since watching that marathon of a show sounded like a nightmare. So, this morning as I woke up I was able to watch this gift. It’s Star Wars christmas!

The story surrounds a rag tag group of rebels and their mission of obtaining the fabled Death Star plans. I think there may have been a lot of skepticism surrounding the idea of doing these off-shoot films. That skepticism is probably soundly destroyed after this impressive teaser trailer. I can tell you I am all in. I am all about a bad ass female character and this new era of Star Wars is full of them. Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) looks to be no exception.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters in December.

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Garon CockrellMovie Trailer: Rogue One – A Star Wars Story