Music for Your Guy’s Own Cozy Bar

Pop Culture BeastMiscellaneousLeave a Comment

Every guy who just begins to earn decent money and date a girl thinks about opening their own drinking establishment. Many people have succeeded. What is the most important thing besides drinking at the bar? Of course, this is music. Good music can decorate a real dump, the bad one, on the contrary, can ward off any person. Tastes differ, it’s true. Nonetheless, a lot of men really want to go to a cozy bar, where he could listen to great music instead of all these dance-like or popular hits. Unlike clubs, a bar is not a place just for picking up, the bar is a part of a culture, a place where men can communicate on different topics and, at the same time, escape from everyday affairs, work and distract from the family for a little. Good music is the foundation of any great place.

  1. Dope Fiend Blues by Mike Ness.

A bar is a place which is visited by the same people. So, do not play worn out music, let your playlist be different. Acoustic songs that touch the soul are always a good idea. Sometimes, men also need to think. Mike Ness is the headliner of the punk band “Social Distortion,” but he also likes to perform something soulful and pleasant for gatherings for a mug of ale. The punks themselves often use motifs from country music or ballads.

  1. Blues Binge by Reggie Wayne Morris.

Guitar music, as a rule, is decisive for good bars. Of course, nobody is against other styles. In music, it’s better to be a music lover and find something good in any style. Nonetheless, the bars are designed for slow, melodic guitar music. Everything has its place. The gang called “Reggie Wayne Morris” understands that, sometimes, words are not needed. However, they have a lot of great non-instrumental songs. Pay attention at least at a gorgeous album of 2013 “Do not Bring Me Daylight.”

  1. Hey, Mister by Stacie Collins.

Girlfriends also need attention. As it turned out, many of them know how to play great music. Stacie Collins is one of those. It’s necessary to know how to have fun and this cheerful unpretentious song is just created for this purpose. In addition, it is always pleasant to look at a girl who knows how to handle a harmonica.

  1. Eat Yo Words by Mick Clarke.

Often, you look at how once the great stars turn into old ruins, inflated with botox, completely incapable of giving out at least some good song. However, this doesn’t happen with blues artists. For example, Mick Clarke has created a new, quite enjoyable album “Shake it up!”

  1. Sell Your Soul by The Damned and Dirty.

By the way, talking about commodity and money relations, there is an excellent song “Sell Your Soul” on this subject. A singer wonderfully plays at the nexus of different styles. A music video is also pleasant, there are no scenery and special effects for you, just two ordinary men came out, sat down with a guitar and started singing and playing. Many people love this. It immediately becomes clear that the guys have the same life as all other men, and that they are ordinary flesh-and-blood people.

  1. One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer by George Thorogood.

A cult song by Rudy Tumbes, which was sung by many famous personalities. The best version is performed by George Thorogood. The text of this cool story is worth listening, especially if you don’t have money to pay for the apartment, and the hostess is going to throw you out, that’s why you don’t have a place to stay in. There is always an option to come to the bar and order yourself one scotch, one whiskey, and one beer.

  1. Warm beer and cold woman by Tom Waits.

Songs by Tom Waits is just a must for any bar. Probably, there is no more “pub” performer than this person who sings with a lion’s voice about quite understandable things for men.

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Pop Culture BeastMusic for Your Guy’s Own Cozy Bar