HD Remake of Odin Sphere Out on PS4 Today!

Joe PortesBreaking News, Video GamesLeave a Comment

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is a gorgeous HD remastering of the original 2007 PS2 version from Vanillaware. The game is reminiscent of old school beat-em-ups but for a new generation. Complete with RPG elements and several playable characters/storylines, Leifthrasir is sure to please all of Vanillaware’s fan who missed the original game, myself included.

Currently, I’m testing the demo myself so there’s more to come once I give it a shot. I’ll be back to update this post and let everybody know how it is. I’ve been looking forward to playing this game for so long that I can’t wait any longer and just need to stop writing already!

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Joe PortesHD Remake of Odin Sphere Out on PS4 Today!