Pokémon Go Plus Delayed

Jason ArriolaGames, Video GamesLeave a Comment

I’m just going to assume you’re playing Pokémon Go. Don’t worry about it. We all are. If you’ve been wanting something to use that won’t require you to constantly be staring at your phone, Pokémon Go Plus might be the answer for you. Just what is it and what does it do though?

Image courtesy of The Verge

Image courtesy of The Verge

Pokémon Go Plus is a wearable accessory that makes interacting with Pokémon Go a bit easier. While wearing it, if you come across a Pokémon, the device will flash its LED light and vibrate to let you know a Pokémon is nearby. If you’ve caught the Pokémon previously, you’ll be able to press the button to throw a Poké Ball at it. If successful, it’ll vibrate and light up to let you know. Pass by a PokéStop and it’ll alert you by blinking and vibrating when you’re in range. You can press the button to make the items appear, but you’ll need to interact with the actual app to collect the items.

The accessory was supposed to release sometime before the end of July, but it’s been pushed back until September. Depending on the legs of the Pokémon Go, this could be a bit of a disastrous delay for it. Nintendo is seeing a minimal amount of the income from Pokémon Go and Pokémon Go Plus was their way to make a little extra change off the craze. If the fervor for Pokémon Go has subsided by the time it comes, it could be a shot in the arm for the game’s popularity. Unless it’s being timed with some new features for Pokémon Go, I think this thing could land with a thud. If anything though, I’ve learned to not underestimate the popularity of Pokémon, so I could end up eating my own words in September.

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Jason ArriolaPokémon Go Plus Delayed