Savage Lands Live at Hellfest

Robin LynnLive Music, Music, New MusicLeave a Comment

announcement photo

Savage Lands

Performing on Main Stage at Hellfest

with Special Guests

The musician-run non-profit are also releasing a new single featuring

Maria Franz from Heilung, Euzen and Songleikr

Welcome to Savage Lands


Loud buzzing is music to the ear of most metalheads. But Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren and guitarist Sylvain Demercastel are so enraged by the sound of chainsaws destroying Costa Rica’s ecosystem that they’ve started Savage Lands, a musician-run 501 (c) 3 non-profit.


Savage Lands have protected 60,000 square feet of Costa Rican rainforest using royalties from their music. Next week, they’re planting their ecological flag at Hellfest with a little help from some of their famous friends.


Savage Lands Live at Hellfest (Main Stage 02)

Friday, June 28 @ 5:35 – 6:30 pm CEST


Featuring special guests:


– Andreas Kisser (Sepultura)

– Shane Embury (Napalm Death)

– Vincent Dennis (Body Count)

– Daniel de Jongh (Textures)

– Silje Wergeland (The Gathering)

– Jesper Liveröd (Nasum)

– Alejandro Montoya (Cultura tres)

– Chloe Trujilo


Whether they’re planting trees or holed away in the studio, Savage Lands foster the spirit of collaboration. Recently, they made history by signing a joint manifesto that addresses the need for forest and wildlife preservation. This marks the first time that three active Costa Rican / US-based non-profits have officially banded together over a shared mission statement.

“No Remedy” follows the same approach, though to different results than Savage Land’s first two singles. Sylvain still comes speeding out the gate with another burning riff that will ignite the crowd at Hellfest, but this is the most melodic song they’ve ever written. When the band hit the chorus, the guitars don’t crunch but crest into warm, washed-out power chords.

“That’s one of the beautiful things about Savage Lands”, Sylvain says. “As a band, we’re not limited to just one genre. We can adapt to boost the strengths of whoever is joining us”.

Whether they’re planting trees or holed away in the studio, Savage Lands foster the spirit of collaboration. Recently, they made history by signing a joint manifesto that addresses the need for forest and wildlife preservation. This marks the first time that three active Costa Rican / US-based non-profits have officially banded together over a shared mission statement.

“No Remedy” follows the same approach, though to different results than Savage Land’s first two singles. Sylvain still comes speeding out the gate with another burning riff that will ignite the crowd at Hellfest, but this is the most melodic song they’ve ever written. When the band hit the chorus, the guitars don’t crunch but crest into warm, washed-out power chords.

“That’s one of the beautiful things about Savage Lands”, Sylvain says. “As a band, we’re not limited to just one genre. We can adapt to boost the strengths of whoever is joining us”.

Photo by Gornoss

Photo by Sylvain Demercastel


Stop by the Savage Lands booth at Hellfest to learn more about the green zones, nature sanctuaries and other preservation projects that they’re building in Costa Rica. Make a donation and receive the chance to win a one-of-a-kind guitar.

Savage Lands – “The Last Howl” (Official Music Video) 2023

Savage Lands – “Black Rock Heart” (Official Music Video) 2024

Heilung donating to Savage Lands

Savage Lands – “Planting the Metal Forest”

Photo by Gornoss


1. “The Last Howl” (5:48) [WATCH]

2. “Black Rock Heart” (4:54) [WATCH]

3. “No Remedy” (4:24) [WATCH]

Artists occasionally support causes through donations to organizations. With SAVAGE LANDS, Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren teamed up with his guitar-wielding friend Sylvain Demercastel to create their own US 501(c)3 non-profit.

Savage Lands raises money for reforestation and the creation of sanctuaries free of human destruction in Costa Rica. Using their own royalties, donations and other fundraising efforts, the organization builds nature sanctuaries, establishes green zones and other land preservation projects. They partner with other non-profits, scientists and forest engineers, as well as Decibel Magazine and Season of Mist.


“If you want to make a difference, take action! Our greatest hope with Savage Lands is that it will inspire you to join us, and if you can, to start your own initiative to help preserve animals, forests, and our planet”, says Dirk.

Learn more about Savage Lands

Stream –

Recording lineup for “No Remedy”

Sylvain Demercastel – Guitar

Poun (Black Bomb A) – Vocals

Etienne Treton (Black Bomb A) – Bass

Florian Pons (Loco Muerte) – Drums

Maria Franz – Guest Vocals

Production for “No Remedy”

Adair Daufembach

Recording of “No Remedy”

Savage Lands at Daufembach Studio in Los Angeles, CA

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Robin LynnSavage Lands Live at Hellfest