World Of Final Fantasy Release Date And E3 Trailer

Jason ArriolaGames, Video GamesLeave a Comment

During E3, Square Enix released a new trailer for World of Final Fantasy, one of their upcoming Playstation 4 and Vita title. At the end of the trailer, they also announce the worldwide simultaneous release date, October 25th.

World of Final Fantasy is fan service. No other way of looking at it. Despite that, it actually looks like it’s got a fun battle system and a Pokémon-like system with monsters from the series. You get to use various heroes from Final Fantasy entries as well.

  • “In World of Final Fantasy, players lead a pair of twins, Reynn and Lann, through the land of Grymoire on a search to rediscover their lost memories. Throughout their adventure, players will collect, raise and battle adorable beings of classic Final Fantasy lore, including cactuar, chocobo and behemoth, to create customizable, strategic tower combinations to take on the most challenging of opponents.”

Look, I normally try not to buy into fan service nonsense, but this one actually seems like it has some real depth to it. Plus, how gosh darn cute is Lightning in this chibi form?

See, just too cute.

See, just too cute.

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Jason ArriolaWorld Of Final Fantasy Release Date And E3 Trailer